Ursus thibetanus (Tibetan Bear) Otherwise known as the Moon Bear, the Asiatic Black bear is a medium-sized bear that lives in Asia. It is a separate species to the American Black Bear, having diverged around 3 million years ago. They have a similar build to brown bears but are smaller, with slightly longer limbs. They […]
Category Archives: Bear Species
American Black Bear Introduction Ursus Americanus (American Bear) is a medium-sized bear native to North America and is the continent’s most numerous bear species. Despite the name, some subspecies can be brown in coloration, not to be confused with the Brown bear. American Black bears are not closely related to the brown bear or the […]
Brown Bear Introduction Scientific Name: Ursus Arctos, which literally means “Bear (Latin) Bear (Greek)” Brown bears are a large bear species found in North America and Eurasia. They are closely related to polar bears and together they are the largest living land carnivores. Despite their name, brown bears are not necessarily brown. They have long […]
Sun Bear Introduction Helarctos malayanus (Malaysian Bear) The Sun Bear is the smallest member of the bear family. It has a stocky build with large paws, rounded ears, and a short snout which makes it look almost dog-like. They have black fur which is short to keep them cool in the hot climate but it […]